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S.I.M.P.L.E. – Improve your overall health & achieve a “lifestyle of excellence”.
Improve your overall health & achieve a “lifestyle of excellence”.
Smart: So much information on nutrition, exercise, & overall health is available at our fingertips that, now more than ever, we can make smart decisions about our overall wellness.
Ideas: “Be careful what rut you get into because it may be awhile before you can get out.” This quote represents many areas of our lives. Sometimes we stay in the same rut because we’re not sure how to get out. Keep an open mind to new ideas & resources to help improve your health.
Moderation: There’s no need to totally give up everything we like to be healthier. Making choices & indulging in moderation can satisfy your cravings & contribute to that healthy lifestyle.
Planning: “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Without a plan to implement these new ideas we tend to fall back into our ruts. Planning is the key to beginning our new pathway to good health.
Lifestyle:Our standard of living doesn’t just depend on our salary or where we live. It also depends on our health. Sometimes we hold ourselves back from a more active lifestyle because we aren’t in as good shape as we could be.
Excellence: Make every moment count. We work very hard at our jobs to earn a living so let’s make sure we enjoy the benefits we deserve for ourselves & our families. A lifestyle of excellence should be one of these benefits.
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