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About us
Jo Ann Salyers is the owner and consultant for
Salyers Solutions, LLC.
- In the maritime industry for over 30 years.
- Experience in the fields of safety, training and risk management.
- In 2006 became an independent consultant working in the areas of Crew Endurance Management / Fatigue Mitigation, wellness, auditing and safety.
CEMS (Crew Endurance Management System) and Fatigue Mitigation
- Unites States Coast Guard Certified CEMS Expert (2004) – Groton, CT
- Conducts CEMS Awareness classes, Coaches training, assists the Coast Guard with Expert’s training.
- Certified CEMS Coaches for major corporations located worldwide. Current customers include operations in the following sectors: Inland, Coastal, Blue water, Harbor vessels, Ferries and Shore Tankerman.
- Guest speaker at industry and trade association meetings around the country.
- Presentations on CEMS at corporate meetings, company management, vessel captain and other crewmember meetings and union groups.
- Presentations and recommendations for fatigue mitigation for shiftworkers and 24 hour operations.
Outline of ongoing CEMS & Fatigue Mitigation Training and Workshops attended:
10/06 – Investigating Human Fatigue Factors in Transportation Accidents
NTSB Academy – Arlington, VA
03/08 – The Role of Sleep in Memory and Learning
National Sleep Foundation – Washington, DC
06/08 – Fatigue Countermeasures Workshop
Archinoetics – Honolulu, HI
Dr. John A. Caldwell – Senior Scientist in fatigue-management research and applications at Archinoetics (a Hawaii based high technology co.).
Dr. Steven R. Hursh – President and CEO of the Institutes for Behavior Resources and
adjunct professor in the Dept. of Psychiatry of the John Hopkins University School of Medicine.
03/09 – National Sleep Show
National Sleep Foundation – Chicago, IL
03/10 – Sleep Health & Safety Convention
National Sleep Foundation – Washington, DC
- Certified American Waterways Operator (AWO) Responsible Carrier Program (RCP) Auditor.
- Internal and vendor auditor for the maritime industry.
- Crew Endurance Management System (CEMS) plan auditor.
- RABSQ Certified ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor
- AWO – American Waterways Operators
- HDWA – Huntington District Waterways Association
- NSF – National Sleep Foundation